i found this in the log of openruntimes-executor dockers for all functions and openruntimes-exector got a stopped status... everything else is up and running
Maintanance task finished.
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: File Not Found
[Error] File: /usr/local/app/http.php
[Error] Line: 603
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: An internal curl error has occurred while starting runtime! Error Msg: File Not Found
[Error] File: /usr/local/app/http.php
[Error] Line: 805
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Operation timed out
[Error] File: /usr/local/app/http.php
[Error] Line: 1019
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Operation timed out
Running maintenance task ...
Maintanance task finished.
Cleaning up containers...
Fatal error: Uncaught Utopia\Orchestration\Exception\Orchestration: Docker Error: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
in /usr/local/vendor/utopia-php/orchestration/src/Orchestration/Adapter/DockerCLI.php:255
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/vendor/utopia-php/orchestration/src/Orchestration/Orchestration.php(144): Utopia\Orchestration\Adapter\DockerCLI->list(Array)
#1 /usr/local/app/http.php(265): Utopia\Orchestration\Orchestration->list(Array)
#2 /usr/local/app/http.php(1339): removeAllRuntimes(Object(Swoole\Table), Object(Utopia\Orchestration\Orchestration))
thrown in /usr/local/vendor/utopia-php/orchestration/src/Orchestration/Adapter/DockerCLI.php on line 255
[2023-10-07 01:00:01 @1.0] WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 1 consumers will be discarded
The user added a configuration to their .docker-compose.override.yml file and it seems to have resolved the issue. The log shows that the functions and openruntimes-executor had a stopped status, while everything else was running. There were multiple errors related to file not found and internal curl errors within the executor. The log also shows a fatal error related to the Docker daemon not running. The solution provided in the message seems to have fixed the problem. S3ppo
i added now to my .docker-compose.override.yml
restart: unless-stopped
for now it works.. i hope its the solution 🙂
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