
Collection number limit

  • 0
  • Databases
6 Oct, 2023, 04:52

i was going to create collection for a chat app each collection is created for a group chat. Is there any number limit for creating collection in a database ?.

The user wants to know if there is a limit to the number of collections that can be created in a database. They mention that creating collections and attributes may take some time on the cloud during database maintenance. They typically create a collection per data type and wanted to create a collection for each group chat in a chat app.
6 Oct, 2023, 04:56

No limit

6 Oct, 2023, 04:57

Fyi, operations like creating collections and attributes may take some time on cloud when theirs DB maintenance. I typically create a collection per data type instead

6 Oct, 2023, 05:11

ok. thanks


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