
Access file from function

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  • Functions
  • Cloud
26 Sep, 2023, 14:19

Hi there, I wrote a function on <#1102936099745177700> on version 1.1.2 which sets up my database, creates the collections, attributes etc. This info is stored in a resources folder with multiple jsons containing the inforformation needed. I cannot see where this folder is deployed on the new 1.4 cloud version. Can anyone help me with some documentation I am missing or just the structure of the deployed functions so I can figure it out myself? ๐Ÿ˜…
Thank you for your help in advance! <:appwriteheart2:1073243188954935387>

User is asking for help with accessing a local file in a Dart function. They mention that Dart gets compiled, so the assets may not get added to the binary. They suggest loading the files from a bucket instead. Another user asks for clarification on the programming language being used. The user then explains that they wrote a function on an older version of Appwrite, which sets up a database and uses a resources folder with multiple JSON files. They can't find this folder in the new cloud version and are looking for documentation or information on the structure of deployed functions. They express gratitude for any help. Solution: One solution suggested is to load
27 Sep, 2023, 01:07

what language?

27 Sep, 2023, 07:33


27 Sep, 2023, 08:08


27 Sep, 2023, 21:00

so because dart gets compiled, I don't think the assets get added to the binary that is eventually run. it might be best to put the file in a bucket or something

28 Sep, 2023, 09:03

Alright I'll load the files from a bucket then

28 Sep, 2023, 09:08

This function template should show you how to access a local file. It serves a local HTML file.


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