
[SOLVED] Issue with running docker image (1.4.2)

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10 Sep, 2023, 13:10

Could you send what you get here after running docker compose logs appwrite?

Issue: User is experiencing issues with running a Docker image (version 1.4.2) of Appwrite. They are unable to sign in and are receiving wrong credentials error messages. Solution: 1. Delete the Appwrite folder. 2. Run the command `docker compose down -v` to shut down the Docker container. 3. Reinstall Appwrite using the command `docker run -it --rm --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw --entrypoint="install" appwrite/appwrite:1.4.2`.
10 Sep, 2023, 13:10


10 Sep, 2023, 13:11

should that print out logs in my terminal or is it stored in some file?

10 Sep, 2023, 13:11

because i received nothing

10 Sep, 2023, 13:11

Print in termimal

10 Sep, 2023, 13:11
❯ docker compose logs appwrite
appwrite  | Worker 2 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 3 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 4 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 5 started successfully
appwrite  | [Setup] - Server database init started...
appwrite  | [Setup] - Creating database: appwrite...
appwrite  | Worker 6 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 7 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 8 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 9 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 10 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 12 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 13 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 16 started successfully
appwrite  | [Setup] - Server database init completed...
appwrite  | Server started successfully (max payload is 6,291,456 bytes)
appwrite  | Master pid 1, manager pid 1
appwrite  | Worker 1 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 15 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 14 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 19 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 17 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 21 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 20 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 22 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 23 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 25 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 24 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 26 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 27 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 29 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 30 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 32 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 11 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 33 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 34 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 36 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 28 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 31 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 18 started successfully
appwrite  | Worker 35 started successfully
10 Sep, 2023, 13:12

Seems like it's starting

10 Sep, 2023, 13:13

What are your server specs?

10 Sep, 2023, 13:13

macbook pro 16' with m2pro chip

10 Sep, 2023, 13:14

i use my computer for local dev until appwrite cloud is updated;

10 Sep, 2023, 13:18

Not sure then. Maybe you will need a while for appwrite start from what logs are showing. Another option could be a bug due to ARM πŸ€”

10 Sep, 2023, 13:18

But as far as I know everything except Deno runtime should run without any major issues

10 Sep, 2023, 13:22

maybe. I'd check my console but i cannot sign in. credentials are apparantly wrong, creating another user is not possible due to limit

10 Sep, 2023, 13:26

Then I think you should try reinstalling

10 Sep, 2023, 13:30

i've tried reinstalling with

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \
10 Sep, 2023, 13:31

and still cannot sign in

10 Sep, 2023, 13:40

You signed up first?

10 Sep, 2023, 13:41

Also, did you deleted old instance data/folder (if data was not needed)

10 Sep, 2023, 13:41

hm. where can i find this folder?

10 Sep, 2023, 13:41

Usually it's in your pc or your user main directory

10 Sep, 2023, 13:41

It's called appwrite

10 Sep, 2023, 13:42

First you will need to run docker compose down -v

10 Sep, 2023, 13:43

Then delete the folder

10 Sep, 2023, 13:43

After that, install appwrite again

13 Sep, 2023, 16:11

[SOLVED] Issue with running docker image (1.4.2)


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