
Offline Data Sync feature conflict

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  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Databases
9 May, 2023, 03:54

Hi everyone, I'm quite excited about this Appwrite project especially the much awaited "offline-data-sync" functionality, i'm using this service but I have some issues that need to be answered by everyone.

I have followed this discussion ( and run successfully example "Todo with Flutter" using "sdk-flutter" and "offline-data-sync" functionality but,

My usecase is:

  • When my phone is offline, i create an item todo "Do task 1", default isComplete=false
  • Then i mark done this item (Update item "Do task 1" with isComplete=true)
  • When my phone is online, it conflict error (be like image)

My expect is:

  • When my phone is online, the item "Do task 1" will have isComplete=true

Can anyone help me to solve this problem ... Thanks

The user is experiencing a conflict error with the offline data sync feature in the Appwrite project. They followed a discussion and successfully ran an example using the functionality, but when their phone is offline, they create a todo item and mark it as done. When their phone is online again, they expect the item to have the 'isComplete' value set to true, but they are getting a conflict error instead. They are seeking help to solve this problem. No solution is mentioned in the thread.
9 May, 2023, 03:55

Yes, this is one of the outstanding things we need to figure out before releasing offline support

9 May, 2023, 03:58

We added a way to block write requests on documents that have been updated after the write request was queued....but now if you have 2 updates to a document, the 1st will update the update timestamp on the document and then the 2nd will think it's a conflict because it was updated after the request was queued

9 May, 2023, 06:29

Will this pattern be resolved as I expect result in the near future sir ? ...

9 May, 2023, 14:29

I'm not sure about the timeline, but we're working on it


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