
[SOLVED] Access MariaDB from local

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Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:17

so, i can't use any SSH there

User had a question about accessing MariaDB from local. They were able to successfully connect to the database with the help of another user's guidance. No further issues were discussed. Solution: Follow the instructions provided by another user to connect to the database successfully.
Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:17

but i can key in the ip info, etc.

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:21

ok, i realize i can do ssh too in my 3rd party service

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:21

let me keep trying

23 Mar, 2023, 03:22

I didn't saw the message

23 Mar, 2023, 03:22
Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:23

at step 5 of your screenshot

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:23

is that part mandatory?

23 Mar, 2023, 03:24

Sure. This is the tunnel The database is actually exposed only to your instance internal docker network

23 Mar, 2023, 03:24

But if you do SSH Tunneling it's like you're running on your instance then you're able to connect to the database

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:25

i not sure what to input for the option πŸ™‚ Do i get this information from my hosting provider where my appwrite is hosted?

23 Mar, 2023, 03:26

Host: Your instance IP address Port: usually its 22 Username: The user in which you're using to access your instance, probably root Then if you're doing your auth with password then enter it, if not, change the the type to key

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:26

ah! okay I got it

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:27

this is the credential i use when i putty to my instance

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:27

i will find them

23 Mar, 2023, 03:27

Exactly πŸ‘

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:27

thank you so much!

23 Mar, 2023, 03:29

Sure thing <:appwriteupvote:899677724615016528>

Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:31

connection successful. Thank you so much @Binyamin πŸ™

23 Mar, 2023, 03:31


Said H
23 Mar, 2023, 03:32

[SOLVED] Access MariaDB from local

21 Apr, 2023, 18:34

question guys can we perform query within datagrip after the connection?

21 Apr, 2023, 18:34

Idk how appwrite db creates nosql on top of mariadb

21 Apr, 2023, 18:54

yes of course

21 Apr, 2023, 18:54

it's best to avoid reviving an old threads so you should probably create a new <#1072905050399191082> post


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