
How to modify the brand colors?

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3 Mar, 2023, 10:02

I want to change some of the colors (especially the primary ones) and I was wondering what is the cleanest and / or easiest way to do so, as I myself am a CSS and Frontend noob ;D ? I guess just changing the values in the dist folder of the node module is not how it should be done, do I need to fork the project and make my personal node module, or is there an easier way?

To modify the brand colors in this project, you can follow these steps: 1. Open the colors.scss file in the GitHub repository. 2. All the colors variables are defined in this file. 3. The colors are defined using HSL values. 4. To modify the colors, you need to change the HSL values for the desired variables. 5. The project works with a main Hue that affects all colors of the same type. 6. If you want to learn more about how the colors are used in the project, you can read an article provided in the response. 7. You don't need to directly modify the values in
3 Mar, 2023, 10:07

Hi there, thank you for your question, let me fetch the possibilities for you regarding this, and be right back!

Elad Shechter
3 Mar, 2023, 10:15

Hi Lara,

All the colors variable are defined in colors.scss file. (

The color are with HSL values.

The way we work with color we define for every group of colors the main Hue which affect all colors from the same type.

Further reading how we exactly working with colors, you can read my article:

Hope it will be more clear now🙂

3 Mar, 2023, 10:22

Thank you @Elad Shechter


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