so, actually, the empty from is fine.
what's the error you're seeing?
and lastly, CORS doesn't really have anything to do with mail
i cannot debug the appwrite console. however, from within flutter it is "XMLHttpRequest error."
You're trying to ask about SMTP...were you able to get an email when doing the password recovery in the Appwrite Console?
the pass is not being sent
sorry, what is this? are you saying you're not having an SMTP problem?
i was following the 30daysofAppwrite Tut. it is about setting up smtp. The error is about email not being sent from appwrite console
where is this error you're referring to?
Because this screenshot says email sent successfully
yes it says email sent BUT email is never received.
Any errors in the mail logs? You shared some of the mail logs above, but not the full logs that would say if the email was sent successfully or not
this is the network-log.
so according to the above log - response is 201, 200, ....
this has nothing to do with the email sent...
the logs are in docker-compose logs -f appwrite-worker-mails
docker-compose logs -f appwrite-worker-mails
There was no error so, from the Appwrite side, everything is working fine. You may not be receiving the email because of spam filters or something is wrong with the SMTP server
thanks . i was suspecting that. i have checked the spam and i cannot find the email there as well. Is it possible that email is being blocked even before reaching the spam filters as well? any suggestion to overcome this? many thanks
Yes, it may be blocked/dropped before it reaches the recipient's inbox and is blocked by the recipient's spam filters.
Sendgrid has some additional steps for setting up your account: Did you make sure to do that?
You can also try following this to test SMTP with sendgrid to make sure it's working:
hi, so the solution happens to be extremely naive. My sendgrid account was under review for some reason. I had to contact the support. Everything was resolved after that.
i cannot believe i spent more then 2 days on fixing it😰
[SOLVED] Unable to send an email
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