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Appwrite Decoded: Bradley Schofield

In this blog, we put Bradley Schofield in the spotlight and share his side of the story.

The team behind Appwrite is situated worldwide and works together daily in different time zones. We’re proud of the remote and open-source culture the team has built so far. In Appwrite Decoded, we introduce the people behind the code and celebrate them.

This week, we shed light on Bradley, the youngest team member at Appwrite but, after three years, also one of the longest-standing team members.

From college dropout to skilled dev

Bradley’s story is interesting but not uncommon in the software industry. He started on a computer science degree in college, only to drop out. In his own words: “They weren’t teaching me anything new.”

He moved on to do an apprenticeship for more hands-on experience, but soon after, he left to join Appwrite. Eldad, Founder and CEO of Appwrite, asked him to join due to his many valuable contributions to the product at the time, including projects that showcase Appwrite's versatility through integrations with various web frameworks such as React, Vue, Svelte, among others.

“Eldad approached me and asked if I wanted to interview for the role. I simply could not refuse, and it has been a blast ever since!”*

Delivering new features and providing solutions for developers is what Bradley finds most satisfying in his role. His interest lies in backend development and data analytics, but he enjoys constant learning and adapting to new challenges, integrating them into Appwrite in the most compatible way. This also made him a more than welcome addition to the Appwrite team. His eagerness to learn and positive attitude toward difficult tasks has helped him build products beyond his expectations, as demonstrated by his significant contributions to Functions and Migrations.

Working at Appwrite has equipped Bradley with various skills and knowledge, particularly in understanding the dynamics of the developer community.

“Before working at Appwrite, I wasn’t really aware of the developer community, I didn’t even know what a DevRel role was! Once you experience the community from within, you gain a whole new perspective.”

Achieving more with a team

When it comes to being part of a team, Bradley believes it empowers you to tackle projects far greater than you could achieve alone.

“It’s really important and truly empowering. It gives you the confidence to take on larger projects and pushes you forward regarding abilities.”

Discussing challenging tasks with his team members often results in solutions that seem far more attainable.

Transparency and an ambitious mindset are among the aspects of Appwrite that Bradley deeply appreciates. He summarizes it as the biggest goal of the Appwrite team is to answer as many questions as possible and deliver as much value as possible to developers.

Working from anywhere in the world

Bradley acknowledges that remote work may be a different experience for each person, and he believes the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. He particularly appreciates the flexibility and freedom it offers:

"The biggest perk for me is the ability to work from anywhere. Pretty much any place can be your office, which is a huge advantage."

The flexibility to spontaneously travel to a different city at any moment and continue working as if nothing had changed is a huge advantage for him. The friendly atmosphere within the team only adds an extra layer of appeal.

As colleagues frequently extend invitations to visit them in other locations, with the assurance that it won't disrupt his work schedule.

However, he also acknowledges the potential social isolation and the challenge of staying focused while surrounded by a computer all day. His advice is to maintain a healthy balance:

"Stay active, strike a balance between work and personal life, spend time with loved ones, and don't forget to recharge!"

New runtimes, frameworks, and knowledge

Bradley likes working with the latest runtimes and frameworks, and he very much enjoys the opportunity to explore new horizons every day. His overarching goal is to continuously expand his knowledge and expertise as a developer, helping fellow developers along the way.

“I do a lot of research on various topics and come up with feature ideas that we often turn into reality. It's always exciting to see what new project lies ahead, as I'm always eager to try new things. Most recently, I've been particularly interested in exploring machine learning.”

Introducing new functions stands out among Bradley's many proud moments at Appwrite.

"We used to support only dynamic languages, but now we can handle compiled languages like C++."

For anyone who wants to be a part of Appwrite, Bradley invites you to contribute.

”Start working on it, don't wait for opportunities to come knocking. Make them happen!”

Want to know more about Bradley? Visit his social profiles:

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