
Unable to View Gifts on Screen After Receiving Them in SVGA Player

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  • Flutter
28 Jan, 2025, 21:17

I am experiencing an issue where gifts are saved on the server and I am able to receive them, but they are not visible on the screen when using an SVGA player. Could you please help me resolve this issue and explain why this might be happening?

Developers are having issues with SVGA gifts not displaying on the screen, even though they are saved correctly in Parse Server. One developer asks where the image is fetched from Appwrite. The issue might be related to how the images are saved or fetched, so checking that part of the code could help resolve the problem.
28 Jan, 2025, 21:18

Using Parse for college project please help me

28 Jan, 2025, 21:23

Where is the section where you fetch the image from Appwrite? You're saving it in the database or in buckets?

28 Jan, 2025, 21:34

I'm using Parse Server, and it seems that the SVGA gifts are being saved correctly, but the issue is that they are not displaying on the screen in the SVGAPlayer. I’m not sure why this is happening. Could anyone help me figure this out?


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