
Push function to local appwrite failed

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  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
27 Jan, 2025, 00:40

Hey guys, I have appwrite locally running in docker. After creating new function using cli and tried to push the function to appwrite local it failed with the following error:

[Error] Timestamp: 2025-01-26T22:33:36+00:00 [Error] Method: POST [Error] URL: /v1/functions [Error] Type: Utopia\Exception [Error] Message: Invalid specification param: Specification must be one of: [Error] File: /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/framework/src/App.php [Error] Line: 774

I managed to fix this by removing the "specification": "s-1vcpu-512mb" from the appwrite.json function's metadata. Changing the value to "specification": "s-0.5vcpu-512mb" didn't fix the issue either. It has to be removed and it will work.

appwrite local is version 6.2.0

This issue didn't happen if I use appwrite cloud.

Is this a know bug or issue?

Developers are facing an issue when pushing a function to appwrite locally running in docker. The error pertains to an invalid 'specification' parameter in the metadata. The solution is to remove the 'specification' attribute from the appwrite.json function's metadata. This workaround has been successful in resolving the problem.
27 Jan, 2025, 00:57

Yes, this is a known bug


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