
Can Appwrite support creating a field that stores an array of JSON objects within a document?

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  • Web
  • Cloud
10 Jan, 2025, 10:06

I'm trying to store an attribute in my document that contains an array of objects (JSON). Each object has multiple properties like name, email, and locked. For example:

  "students": [
    { "name": "John", "email": "", "locked": false },
    { "name": "Jane", "email": "", "locked": true }

I am currently using Appwrite for my project, and I want to confirm if it's possible to store an array of objects (JSON) in a field. If this isn't supported, what would be the best way to structure this kind of data within Appwrite?

Appwrite does not directly support storing an array of JSON objects within a document. A workaround is to stringify the objects, store them as strings, and mark the attribute as an array.
Darshan Pandya
10 Jan, 2025, 10:45

stringify your objects and save as strings.

Darshan Pandya
10 Jan, 2025, 10:46

if its an array, split items, stringify and save to a string attribute but mark it as an array


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