
Error creating a variable for a function

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Vincent Berthoumieux
20 Dec, 2024, 10:39

I'm trying to create a var but i get the error 'Variable with the same ID already exists in this project.' But this function id has no vars defined and the project has 3 vars but with different ids. what am I missing ?

➜  dev git:(main) ✗ appwrite functions create-variable --key useLocalEndpoint --value false --function-id xnotes-cancel-schedule

Info: For detailed error pass the --verbose or --report flag
Error: Variable with the same ID already exists in this project. Try again with a different ID.
➜  dev git:(main) ✗ appwrite functions list-variables --function-id  xnotes-cancel-schedule                                     

total : 0

➜  dev git:(main) ✗ aw project list-variables
total : 3
->> xClientSecret, xRedirectUri, xRedirectUri
Issue: Getting 'Variable with the same ID already exists in this project' error when trying to create a variable for a function, even though the function ID has no variables defined and the project has 3 variables with different IDs. Solution: Check the function and project variables to ensure there are no duplicates IDs present, and try creating the variable again with a unique ID that does not already exist in the project.

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