
phone auth does not trigger event "users.*.create"?

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
13 Oct, 2024, 21:58


Sorry if this has already been asked, I did my absolute best to search here as well as elsewhere. My function is not executed when a user is getting registered, the only auth option is phone/sms

I am able to manually execute the function however my event is not triggered: users.*.create Am I using the wrong event?

I am trying to add a profile document automatically to store public information for their profile.

Problem: Developer's function is not being triggered when a user is registered using phone/sms authentication. Solution: The event "users.*.create" may not be the correct event to trigger the function. Instead, consider using the appropriate event for phone/sms authentication. Additionally, ensure that the function is correctly set up to be triggered upon user registration with phone/sms authentication.

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