
Appwrite function rest api is "Pending" state with "All users" execution permission

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  • Functions
  • Web
  • Cloud
12 Oct, 2024, 07:49

My Appwrite function returns a status of 200 only when the execute permission is set to "Any." However, when I apply other permissions, such as "All Users" or label-based permissions, from my client-side code, the API status remains stuck in "pending," and I'm unable to view any execution logs for the respective function. The same function with same server side code and same client side code is giving 200 status if the execute permission is set to "Any". I have valid session object and user object session value also printed on console. I have other functions working fine with "All Users" permission, but this issue persists with the newly created function. Could you please help identify what might be missing or misconfigured? Screenshots attached for your reference

Appwrite function is stuck in "Pending" state when execute permission is set to "All Users," but works fine with "Any" permission. Other functions with "All Users" permission are working. The issue might be with missing or misconfigured permissions.
12 Oct, 2024, 07:51
12 Oct, 2024, 07:58

I have already given all the required database permissions in scopes. Somethig is causing issue with execute permission but I am not sure why because the same function is working perfectly fine when we select "Any" as execute permission


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