
Unknown Server Errors - Report-worthy?

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5 Oct, 2024, 23:38

Hey just a query... Is this something you would want reported as a GH issue?

I found that whilst posting to the CreateUser endpoint of the Users API, if you include a name in the body request but the name is null, you get a server error response, with no information as to what the actual problem is. sending nulls for email, password and phone is fine - its just the name being null which causes the issue.

Just wanted to check if this sort of thing is something you want a bug for, or something that should be left alone...

Have attached a postman request showing what request I am sending, and the response I am getting. (I can of course resolve the issue by not sending anything for name, or providing a string value, I don't have an issue with that aspect, just whether you would like a bug for the behaviour)

Developers questioning if an error when sending null names to CreateUser endpoint of Users API warrants a bug report. Error occurs only with null names, no issue with null email/password/phone. Resolution: Avoid sending null for name or provide a string value. Solution: Can report as a GH issue if desired.

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