
Querying the databases causes a general_unknown server error 500

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
26 Aug, 2024, 20:33

For some unknown reason, a part of my code suddenly stopped working. I've been racking my brain and finally found out a clue. When I request a listDocuments in the Flutter SDK, I get an error when I query something. This is how my code looks:

while (retryCount < maxRetries) {
      try {
        final downloadedDocuments = await appwriteDatabase.listDocuments(
          databaseId: dojoDatabaseId,
          collectionId: noteCollectionId,
          queries: [
        // Convert all notes to the trainingNote model
        for (Document note in downloadedDocuments.documents) {

Any type of query and it will set off a series of retries and thus many of this type of error. Did something change in the SDK? I am at a loss.

Issue: Getting a server error 500 while querying databases in Flutter SDK Possible Solution: There might be changes in the SDK causing this error. Check the SDK version being used and ensure compatibility with the self-hosted version.
26 Aug, 2024, 20:48

What version are you on self hosted? What version of the sdk are you using


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