Hi, i'm new here... I work on a simple collaborative to do list project, i want my appusers can create and share their todos with other appusers
Based the end part of this video, appusers cant directly assign permission to other appusers on a document, however that video states that there are a workaround using server side sdk.
Any resource or tutorial on how to grant document permission for other user from react app using server side sdk?
Developers want to enable users in a collaborative to-do list app to share tasks. A video suggested using a server-side SDK as a workaround to assign permissions to other users on a document. Developers are looking for resources or tutorials on how to implement this feature in a React app.
Solution: Check out the following resources for help - https://youtu.be/JETZG_O6y4A?si=i4fBOOgbaQ5Bq9rd