
Server Error - 500 when Loading Messaging

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Messaging
  • Web
26 Jul, 2024, 15:11

Hi, I'm self hosting on a VPS my appwrite database and was working towards setting up an SMTP server, when testing I got an error due to some mishaps with the SMTP server that it was connected to but when refreshing the page and going back to messaging I got an Error 500 Server Error (as seen in the first attachment) when digging in the docker logs by running docker compose logs appwrite it says the error in the second screenshot, is there a way I can fix this or avoid this happening in production later down the line ?

Error 500 occurs when loading messaging after running into issues setting up an SMTP server. The error message from the Docker logs indicates a MongoDB connection error. Ensure that the MongoDB connection details in the Appwrite configuration are correct. Additionally, check the SMTP server configuration for any misconfigurations. To avoid this issue in production, thoroughly test the setup and configurations before deployment.

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