
Firebase Migration failed

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Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 07:01

I have used the migrations feature but it is not working. Please let me know what to do.

Developers are having issues migrating from Firebase to Appwrite due to errors related to phone numbers being interpreted as emails. The unique IDs in Firebase documents seem to be causing the problem. Check the Appwrite project ID and verify that phone numbers are not mistaken for emails. Make sure the document structure and key parameters are correctly formatted. Follow the migration steps outlined in the documentation and verify at which phase the error occurs.
Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:50

no document is imported too

15 Jul, 2024, 11:50

Where are you getting this?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:50


15 Jul, 2024, 11:50

I mean, at what phase of the migration?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:51

how to know what phase..i am using cloud. Could u please guide me on that?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:51

"Error occurred while pushing 'databases:20230805' to destination with message: 'Invalid document structure: Unknown attribute: +919025210310'",

15 Jul, 2024, 11:51

What steps did you have followed until getting the error

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:51

these three error messages are main

15 Jul, 2024, 11:52

Here there are 4 steps, in what step did you got the error?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:53

Step 3 sir

15 Jul, 2024, 11:53

Looks like you have an email that is not an email?

15 Jul, 2024, 11:53

Do you have an attribute that is a phone?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:54

none of my users have email as they are authenticated by phone

15 Jul, 2024, 11:54

Oh, I see. What's your Appwrite project ID?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:55

check dm

15 Jul, 2024, 11:55


15 Jul, 2024, 11:57

Regarding this error, how does your firebase firestore documents unique ID look like?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:58

one of the collection has document ids in YYYYMMDD format

15 Jul, 2024, 11:58

Does them start with an special character or contain them?

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:58

like 20240715

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 11:59

no sir

15 Jul, 2024, 12:00

cc @Bradley Schofield Looks like for some reason appwrite is trying to use phone numbers as email while migrating from firebase πŸ€”

Prateek Jain
15 Jul, 2024, 12:00

inside each has key value pair with key being the mobile number with country code (eg +91XXX) and value being a map <String,bool>


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