
Query does not work with .NET SDK

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  • Cloud
4 Jul, 2024, 19:49

I have for testing a very easy query and even this is not working:

        var query = new List<string>
        var result = await database.ListDocuments(databaseId: databaseId, collectionId: collectionId, queries: query);

result still has 2 documents (my collection has 2 documents) as if I am calling ListDocuments without the query.

I am using: AppWrite Cloud Version 1.5.7 .NET SDK

Issue: Query is not being applied when using .NET SDK with AppWrite Cloud Version 1.5.7. Result still shows all documents instead of limited to 1. Solution: The issue might be due to incorrect implementation of the query. Try updating the query format as follows: ```csharp var query = new List<Filter> { new Filter { Limit = 1 } }; var result = await database.ListDocuments(databaseId: databaseId, collectionId: collectionId, filters: query); ``` By adjusting the query format to use `Filter` and specifying the `Limit` property

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