
How can I check whether the current user is logged in to OAuth2-Discord?

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3 Jul, 2024, 16:46

How can I check whether the current user is logged in to OAuth2-Discord?

Unfortunately, I don't understand the Appwrite documentation very well and am relatively new to it. So far I have the following code ($lib/oauth2.js). How do I also get all the discord information out? (name, avatar, ...)

I would be really grateful if someone could help me! :)

To check if the developer is logged in to OAuth2-Discord using Appwrite, you can integrate Discord OAuth2 with Appwrite. Ensure that the OAuth2 Discord integration is correctly set up. Additionally, modify the existing code in $lib/oauth2.js to include functionality to retrieve Discord information such as name and avatar. If you encounter difficulties, refer to the Appwrite documentation or reach out to the Appwrite community for further assistance.

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