
Creating nested relation on a two-way many to one

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
  • Cloud
30 Jun, 2024, 22:26

The example provided in the docs here has an example of what looks like a one to many (by passing a nested array of documents)

Does this mean to create a one to many, and assuming an arbitrary attribute key name relation_name, would you post a document in the shape of an object or just the id?

psuedo payload in yaml below:

name: My Object Name
random_boolean_attribute: true
  $id: related_object_id


name: My Object Name
random_boolean_attribute: true
relation_name: related_object_id
Developers are asking if nested relations for a two-way many-to-one relationship should be posted with an object containing the ID or just the ID itself. The correct format for the payload is to post the ID directly, without nesting it within an object.

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