
Is it normal for an unverified account to be able to create a session ? [Solved]

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  • Cloud
7 Jun, 2024, 21:00

I am going through the errors that my user could receive while logging into the cloud. I unverified the user in order to capture an error so i could say "please verify your email" But to my surprise a session was successful and created. The account is unverified FOR SURE. Is there something I am not understanding?

Developers are questioning whether it's normal for an unverified account to create a session. The conclusion is that it is normal as app logic determines user permissions. The user tried to capture an error message for unverified accounts, but a session was still created.
7 Jun, 2024, 21:06

Yes it is normal

7 Jun, 2024, 21:08

It's on you and your app logic to do whatever you want regards to verified users

7 Jun, 2024, 21:08

(such setting permissions so that only verified users can create/read documents)

7 Jun, 2024, 21:56

Ok, thank you., fair enough. Its also very surprising that you can get a JWT token when unverified. I would be curious about the reasoning for that, but that may be a lot to ask.

7 Jun, 2024, 21:57

Is it normal for an unverified account to be able to create a session ? [Solved]


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