
How to listDocuments using or query by document ids

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
29 May, 2024, 09:17

I'm encountering a problem when executing a query to get all the documents for an array of id's in Java.

This is my the query I'm passing:

                        .map(eventId -> Query.Companion.equal("$id", eventId.toString()))

When executing this query using databases.listDocuments() I'm getting the following error:
```Invalid query: Attribute not found in schema: _uid```

It seems like it's converting the $ character to _u in the query.
If I try to do the same with an attribute I set myself, let's say the attribute "name" everything works as expected.
But I want to select the documents by their documentId and not by an attribute I set myself.

Appreciate any help, I'm sure it's just a little mistake I'm making here.

This is my Java code for the listDocuments():
                    new CoroutineCallback<>((result, error) -> {
                        if (error != null) {
                        } else {
                            assert result != null;
                  "{} Events found", result.getDocuments().size());
                            result.getDocuments().forEach(document -> events.add(appwriteDataToEvent(document)));

Developers are encountering an error when trying to execute a query to get all documents for an array of IDs in Java. The issue lies in how the query is being structured, causing an "Attribute not found in schema: _uid" error. Only documents with manually set attributes work, not the auto-generated document IDs. A possible solution is to revise the query structure to ensure proper character conversion when querying by document IDs.
29 May, 2024, 09:29

Hey there 👋 Code looks good to me. What Appwrite version are you running?

29 May, 2024, 09:33

I'm on version 1.5.5 self hosted

29 May, 2024, 09:46

Hmm honestly, I am not sure what could be the issue. Let me cc @Steven for this one


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