

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Cloud
14 May, 2024, 19:59

Hi, considering to move over from supabase. But struggle to understand permissions. One thing i have is a high score table. Each user can update their own scores, and all users can see all scores. With supabase i create this very easy with row level security. I understand i can enable document level seccurity in appwrite, but is there not a easy way to allow users to only have permissions to edit their own documents in a collection? Do i need to set permissions for each document?

Developers looking to migrate from Supabase to Appwrite are wondering how to implement permissions for a high score table where each user can update their own scores and all users can see all scores. While Supabase offers row-level security for this scenario, Appwrite requires setting document-level security. To achieve this in Appwrite, permissions need to be set for each document so users can only edit their own entries within a collection.

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