
Can't get Payload from Message

  • 1
  • Android
  • Messaging
  • Cloud
11 May, 2024, 06:17

Hi. I'm creating my android app and trying to receive Firebase Message from my Appwrite Cloud Function. When I send message from Console (not using the code), i can receive payload. But when i send it using Python Server SDK, i receive empty payload. Is this error? This is part of my code (I don't receiving any errors) ``` newMessageData = {} newMessageData['chatCollectionId'] = new_collection_id newMessageData['userName1'] = user_1_name newMessageData['userName2'] = user_2_name newMessageData['userId1'] = chatId1 newMessageData['userId2'] = chatId2 #newMessageData['userPhoto1'] = user_1_photo #newMessageData['userPhoto2'] = user_2_photo

result = messaging.create_push(
message_id = ID.unique(),
title = 'New Meetsee Match!',
body = 'Your new match is here!',
topics = [], 
users = [document_1_userId, document_2_userId], # optional
targets = [], # optional
data = newMessageData
Developers are having trouble receiving payload from the message they are sending through the Python Server SDK in their Android app. They are able to receive payload when sending messages from the console but not using the code. They suspect the issue might be related to the newMessageData object. To troubleshoot, developers are advised to log new message data before calling create and also log the result.
11 May, 2024, 06:20

So the title and body are okay? But the data isn't passing through?

11 May, 2024, 06:20


11 May, 2024, 06:26

Can you try logging new message data before calling create and also log the result?

11 May, 2024, 06:27


11 May, 2024, 06:32

{'chatCollectionId': '663f1088000486bfaf0e', 'userName1': 'Monica', 'userName2': 'Ryan', 'userId1': '66094e5a0c05c6251136', 'userId2': '662d14a5003243c80cb0'} I tried again with print(str(newMessageData)) and finally received payload. I'll try adding some new values in newMessageData and respond later, if there's any errors again

11 May, 2024, 06:52

It's finally working! Thank you! I think error was around newMessageData object (maybe his existance).


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