
SSR Session IP

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18 Apr, 2024, 05:40


My domain is on Cloudflare and it connected to my SvelteKit App and the user IP passing correctly. I have the Appwrite on another server, but from the AW dashboard all the seesions IP's are of the SvelteKit server. how can I pass the user IP to AW? I know Client have a method client.setForwardedUserAgent is there an option for the same idea for client.setForwardedIP ?

Developers have a setup where the user IP passes correctly from Cloudflare to a SvelteKit App, but Appwrite on another server only sees the SvelteKit server's IP for all sessions. They are looking to pass the user IP to Appwrite. They are wondering if there is an option like `client.setForwardedUserAgent` for setting the forwarded IP.

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