
Daily Clock-In

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Functions
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
11 Apr, 2024, 15:02

Hello Appwrite and awsoome Appwrite's Users,

Please my question is above or not the standard support for appwrite product, but i do really need your insight and direction

in my project, i'm paring user together upon certain conditions, so right now i want to pair user who have clock-in into the app at least 5times a week (that is 7days) my goal is to pair active users with active users not active users with in-active users

please, how do i achieve this?

Use a separate collection to store each user's clock-in state for better performance rather than user prefs. This will help you pair active users who have clocked in at least 5 times a week with each other.
11 Apr, 2024, 15:17

you could use a separate collection to store every user's clock in state. another is user prefs but performance would be much bettet with the former logic.


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