
[PDO] MySQL connection restarted in appwrite-worker-deletes

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  • Databases
5 Apr, 2024, 18:52

Am on Appwrite 1.3.7 (Linux AMI with RDS backend). I am seeing the following errors in the logs:

[critical] (Job{v1-deletes} | ID: 3a130fe3a613982abbd6319db3ab20db | DeletesV1 | [{"project":null,"type":"cacheByTimeStamp","document":null,"resource":null,"datetime":"2024-03-06 14:12:20.416","hourlyUsageRetentionDatetime":null}]) has failed PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'appwrite._3__metadata' doesn't exist in /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Extend/PDOStatement.php:88
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Extend/PDOStatement.php(88): PDOStatement->execute(NULL)
#1 /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Adapter/SQL.php(121): Appwrite\Extend\PDOStatement->execute()

I checked through a dump of the database but _3__metadata is nowhere to be found in the dump. Does anyone know where the system is getting this "_3__metadata" thingy from?


Developers are encountering PDOException due to a missing table '_3__metadata' in the Appwrite system. The table is not found in the database dump. The issue might be related to the 1.3.7 version of the Appwrite system.
5 Apr, 2024, 18:53

Does a project with _id of 3 exist?

5 Apr, 2024, 18:54
5 Apr, 2024, 18:56

You're referring to the "Project ID"? Then nope... no sign of that

5 Apr, 2024, 18:58

No the _console_projects table


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