
Realtime error - does anyone know what this is about?

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  • Self Hosted
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  • Apple
  • Realtime
4 Apr, 2024, 05:54

On Appwrite 1.3.7 with AWS RDS (MariaDB)

Hi everyone, I am not sure what I can do with the following error. We have intermittent (small number of) realtime connection outages - not sure if it's due to network coverage (we are using iPad minis on the ground) or whether it's due to the Appwrite backend:

Fatal error: Uncaught Swoole\Error: Socket#34 has already been bound to another coroutine#145378, reading of the same socket in coroutine#145377 at the same time is not allowed in @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOStatementProxy.php:48
Stack trace:
#0 @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOStatementProxy.php(48): PDOStatement->execute()
#1 /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Adapter/MariaDB.php(1040): Swoole\Database\PDOStatementProxy->__call('execute', Array)
#2 /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Database.php(3743): Utopia\Database\Adapter\MariaDB->find('realtime', Array, 25, 0, Array, Array, Array, 'after', NULL)
#3 /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Validator/Authorization.php(166): Utopia\Database\Database->Utopia\Database\{closure}()

[see the full stack trace in the attached file]
Developers are experiencing intermittent realtime connection outages possibly due to network coverage or an issue with the Appwrite backend. The error message points to a socket already being bound, which is causing conflicts. The solution may involve checking the network coverage and investigating potential backend issues with the Appwrite setup.

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