
Create document with relations, if error can result in orphan relation document

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  • Databases
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Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
28 Mar, 2024, 20:41

Hey, little question, about foreign relationship. How do you deals with orphan when a create document failed ?

I try to upload a lot of data to appwrite cloud, so i loop over my parsed json, and sometimes i have issue (like a new attribute that i don' know or a something else) that leads to an error of the creating document, but foreign key can have be created. And after that i have very hard to find orphans in my collection

Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

i use sdk node-appwrite

Developers discussing creating documents with relations and handling orphan relation documents to avoid errors. A suggestion to mark the post as closed once the issue is resolved. Also, a reminder to manually iterate over the collection to find orphaned documents as querying is not supported.
5 Apr, 2024, 15:33

You might have to manually iterate over the collection to find them because querying is not supported ๐Ÿ˜•

Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
5 Apr, 2024, 15:57

Yes =\ I have change how to insert my data and donโ€™t use relationship

Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
5 Apr, 2024, 15:57

I insert a foreign key in the related documents

Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
5 Apr, 2024, 15:58

So i can handle orphan in the script before insert and everything is working

14 Apr, 2024, 19:00

If your issue has been solved, you can mark this post as closed by adding "[SOLVED]" to the beginning of the title


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