
Typescript context default state

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20 Mar, 2024, 18:46

Hello all, I need help. I'm not sure if this was just a TypeScript issue, but it relates to Appwrite so I figured I'd ask here.

I've created a function in my code to execute an Appwrite function, and I want to return the execution, but I'm running into loads of Typescript/ESLint errors. Would anybody be able to help me and tell me what I need to put in the defaultState value for the function? Here's a simplified version of my code with only relevant parts:

"use client"

import { functions } from '@/lib/appwrite';
import { AppwriteException, Models } from 'appwrite';
import {
} from 'react';

  export interface FlashcardState {
    notes_to_cards: (notes: string) => Promise<Models.Execution>;
  const defaultState: FlashcardState = {
    notes_to_cards: ????
  const flashcardContext = createContext<FlashcardState>(defaultState);

  type FlashcardProviderProps = {
    children: ReactNode;
  export const FlashcardProvider = ({ children }: FlashcardProviderProps) => {

    const notes_to_cards = async (notes: string) => {
      let payload = {
        notes: notes

      try {
          const execution = await functions.createExecution('<FUNCTION ID>', JSON.stringify(payload), false, "/", "POST")
          if(execution.status == 'failed') throw new Error('Failed to execute function')
          return execution
      } catch(error) {
          if (error instanceof AppwriteException) {
          } else {
          throw error

    return (
        value={{ notes_to_cards }}
  export const useFlashcards = () => {
    const context = useContext<FlashcardState>(flashcardContext);
    return context;
Problem: Developer is struggling with setting the default state value for a function in a Typescript context. Solution: Set the defaultState value for the function as an object with the function notes_to_cards defined as an async function.

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