
Swift SDK

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  • Apple
30 Jan, 2024, 18:15

I can't understand how to install swift sdk. Where I need to add

    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "4.0.2"),


    targets: [
            name: "YourAppTarget",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "", package: "sdk-for-apple")

Do I need to add Package Swift in my project or I should to add it here(photo)?

Developers are confused about installing the Swift SDK. They are unsure where to add the given code snippets for dependencies and targets. They are also unsure if they need to add the Package Swift in their project or if it should be added in the specified location. Solution: To install the Swift SDK, developers need to add the given code snippets for dependencies and targets in their project's Swift Package Manager file. They do not need to add the Package Swift separately.

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