
save post

  • 0
  • Databases
23 Jan, 2024, 02:24

i get an error while finding a save post, but in the attribute the save exist under user.

error is: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'find')

line: const savedPostRecord = currentUser?.save.find( (record: Models.Document) =>$id === post.$id );

Developers are experiencing an error while attempting to find a saved post. The error message indicates a TypeError, specifically "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'find')." The problematic line of code is provided: ```const savedPostRecord = currentUser?.save.find( (record: Models.Document) =>$id === post.$id );``` A possible solution could be to check if both `currentUser` and `` exist before attempting to call the `.find()` method. This could be achieved using conditional statements or optional chaining (`?.`).
23 Jan, 2024, 02:25

My user is: tonymelony

23 Jan, 2024, 02:25

and project id = 65a321d6b97507a5464a


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