
unintentionally uploading binary file to storage bucket

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  • Tools
  • Web
  • Storage
  • Cloud
21 Jan, 2024, 14:38

my frontend is index.html while my backend is in for some reason, when I try to upload a file, it also sends a binary file to the storage bucket. (the binary file has application/octet-stream mime type and its filename is only 2 digits e.g 87, 73, etc) I cant figure out why it is doing that Please help me

Developers are experiencing an issue where a binary file is being unintentionally uploaded to a storage bucket along with the desired file. They have a correct API Key and have shared their code. The frontend is index.html and the backend is The binary file has a mime type of application/octet-stream and a two-digit filename. They are seeking assistance in understanding why this is happening and how to resolve it.
21 Jan, 2024, 14:39

here is the code

21 Jan, 2024, 14:40

yes, I have correct API Key, I intentionally removed it so I can post code here


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