
NextJS 14 server side component breaks when including Appwrite

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Eddie Jaoude | EddieHub
16 Dec, 2023, 08:38

I created a new NextJS app, using Appwrite by itself works, using the new server components (server form action) works by itself also, but when combing both on the same page (but unrelated, Appwrite login/logout in the navbar) the form breaks

Error: e._formData.get is not a function

Is there an example of using Appwrite auth and the latest NextJS with a form and server side action?

App code

The user is experiencing an error when combining Appwrite and server components in their NextJS app. The error message is "Error: e._formData.get is not a function." They are seeking an example of how to use Appwrite auth and NextJS with a form and server-side action. Solution: Currently, there is no solution provided in the thread.
16 Dec, 2023, 21:02

it doesn't work at the moment unfortunately.. "use client" for now..


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