
[Closed] Error deleting documents with relationship

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  • Databases
8 Dec, 2023, 15:21

Getting errors deleting documents from collection related with another Simplified Setup: 3 related collections

  • Color (attrb: name)
  • Shape (attrib: name, shapeColor[related field])
  • ShapeColor (attrib: color[FK: <one way> m-to-1 on Color on delete set null], shape[FK: <two way> m-to-1 on Shap on delete cascade]

Deleting a document from Color doesn't set the related fields in ShapeColor to null but throws an Server error. Appwrite container logs

2023-12-08T15:18:22.985230878Z [Error] Timestamp: 2023-12-08T15:18:22+00:00
2023-12-08T15:18:22.985262759Z [Error] Method: DELETE
2023-12-08T15:18:22.985266599Z [Error] URL: /v1/databases/:databaseId/collections/:collectionId/documents/:documentId
2023-12-08T15:18:22.985270119Z [Error] Type: Utopia\Database\Exception
2023-12-08T15:18:22.985272879Z [Error] Message: Unknown PDO Type for object
2023-12-08T15:18:22.985275519Z [Error] File: /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Adapter/MariaDB.php
2023-12-08T15:18:22.985278319Z [Error] Line: 1878

Conversly, deleting a document from ShapeColor throws Document not found exception Appwrite container logs

2023-12-08T16:05:44.447421368Z [Error] Method: DELETE
2023-12-08T16:05:44.447424608Z [Error] URL: /v1/databases/:databaseId/collections/:collectionId/documents/:documentId
2023-12-08T16:05:44.447427528Z [Error] Type: Appwrite\Extend\Exception
2023-12-08T16:05:44.447430128Z [Error] Message: Document with the requested ID could not be found.
2023-12-08T16:05:44.447432808Z [Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/controllers/api/databases.php
2023-12-08T16:05:44.447435408Z [Error] Line: 3557
There are errors when deleting documents with relationships. Deleting a document from the 'Color' collection doesn't set the related fields in 'ShapeColor' to null and throws a server error. On the other hand, deleting a document from 'ShapeColor' throws a 'Document not found' exception. No solution is provided in the support thread.
8 Dec, 2023, 17:54

Update: There are multiple issues with deleting documents with relationships in general. Here are some relevant issues:

I know relationships are experimental but I allowed myself to be temptep by the dark side (normalisation). I'll be creating relationships manually.

8 Dec, 2023, 17:58

[Closed] Error deleting documents with relationship


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