
Uploading large files to appwrite storage bucket.

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Storage
6 Dec, 2023, 12:20

Hello there I have been trying to upload large video file about 200 MBs to the Appwrite storage bucket but it seems slow in response and when I read in the documentation it says that it handles the first chunk and returns the file id after the first chunk is returned. I need the file Id so that I can store it as a reference in one of my database collection so that I can get it later for viewing and downloading if possible. How can I work around modifying the content Range header when uploading the files so that I speed up the process and give the user feedback about the upload progress as the file uploads

User is trying to upload a large video file to the Appwrite storage bucket. They want to know how to modify the content Range header to speed up the process and provide feedback on the upload progress. Solution: If using the SDK, the create file function has a callback parameter to check the progress of the upload. Generate a unique ID for the file before calling for upload. Additionally, user mentions unnecessary awaiting of the storage promise.
6 Dec, 2023, 12:52

Are you using our SDK?

6 Dec, 2023, 13:13

Yes. Actually I've just realised that I was awaiting the storage promise to resolve which was unnecessary. So It's now proceeding fine

6 Dec, 2023, 13:15

Just had to generate a unique ID for the file before I actually call for it to be uploaded.

6 Dec, 2023, 18:25

If you're using the SDK, the create file has a callback as one of the params that lets you check the progress of the upload

7 Dec, 2023, 06:46

Thank you.


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