
Password recovery, invalid Url

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16 Nov, 2023, 11:35

im getting error of invalid url parameter. when i send pawword recovery. ive setup smtp and custom domain

User is experiencing an issue with password recovery and receiving an "invalid URL" error. They mention that the original error is caused by a missing web platform, not a custom domain problem. They request assistance and ask for the output of two commands: `docker compose logs appwrite` and `docker compose logs appwrite-worker-mails`. They also ask for the code where URL validation is taking place. The user then mentions that when they go to the console, nothing is appearing. They state that when they create a custom domain, it doesn't appear in the domain list. They confirm that their custom domain can access the Appwrite database. They
16 Nov, 2023, 13:38

Hi @frankenstein is the URL parameter correctly set? and everything in SMTP setup is correct as well?

16 Nov, 2023, 14:07


16 Nov, 2023, 14:07

everything is okay

16 Nov, 2023, 14:08

i have to the endpoint for the database and it worked "http://ip/v1/

16 Nov, 2023, 14:08

NOw the issue is that i have set a custom domain and its not working

16 Nov, 2023, 16:35

Umm, did you follow the steps mentioned here?

16 Nov, 2023, 20:30

yes my custom domain can now access the appwrite database

16 Nov, 2023, 20:31

The issue is that when i setup custom domain in settings, it doesnt appear in in domain list

17 Nov, 2023, 08:42

this is the message i get from creating a custom domain

17 Nov, 2023, 08:42

when i go to console nothing is appearing

17 Nov, 2023, 12:23

Any help guys

17 Nov, 2023, 12:49

Please share the output of this two commands:

  1. docker compose logs appwrite
  2. docker compose logs appwrite-worker-mails

You should check the logs after get the error can you provide the code where you are validating the URL as well?

18 Nov, 2023, 03:18

Also, the original error is caused by missing web platform rather than a custom domain problem


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