
[CLOSED] Max depth in relationship

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
9 Nov, 2023, 22:27

Hello I have a bug with the relationship functionality in the database. I have a "bundles" collection which has a "Many to many" with "lots", "lots" which has a "Many to many" with "products" and "products" a "One to many" with "stock" . All relationships work except the last one which loads all other attributes of whatever type but not the relationship. If I add another attribute, it is loaded and appears in my debug but not the relationship. I tried to make relationships with other categories, same result. I recreated my model from 0 by deleting all the categories, same result I don't really understand the problem knowing that I have other relationships like "bundles" with "sell_prices" in "Many to many" which works perfectly. I'm on 1.4.10 which I just updated, but the bug is the same on 1.4.9 (I told myself that the update would perhaps fix the bug but no)

The user is reporting a bug with the relationship functionality in their database. They have a "bundles" collection that has a "Many to many" relationship with "lots", "lots" has a "Many to many" relationship with "products", and "products" has a "One to many" relationship with "stock". All relationships work except the last one, which loads all other attributes but not the relationship. The user has tried recreating the model and updating their database version, but the bug persists. The user is asking if there is a way to bypass the maximum depth of 3 in relationships. There is no solution provided in
9 Nov, 2023, 22:35

wtf when I get data direct from "products" its work (I have the "stock" data) but if a get data by "bundles", it's doent work. Is there any deep parameter for relationship ?

9 Nov, 2023, 22:39

Ok I have the response

9 Nov, 2023, 22:40

Just we cant bypass the max depth of 3 ? (I need 4 in my case)

9 Nov, 2023, 22:41

Max depth in relationship

10 Nov, 2023, 19:19

correct. that is the limit

10 Nov, 2023, 19:48

Ok and there is no way to change it ? If not, do you plan to add it in the future?

10 Nov, 2023, 19:49

And for anyone who has this problem, I have replaced relationship by String array with ID of the related document, and I do the relation by hand in code

10 Nov, 2023, 20:15

Not at the moment

10 Nov, 2023, 20:15

[CLOSED] Max depth in relationship


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