yes cloud functions, how to fix
don't send that much data
Suppose I have a database to work with and I need to process thois econtacts via functions. Any idea?
if you need to send something that large, it should be a file and not trying to upload a gigantic JSON body.
however, a better approach would be to break it down and process it chunk by chunk
ok I ma getting this error while sending 3k objects
Thanks I will try that
how big is the actual JSON payload?
vary based on filter in custom databse
can be from 3k -20k
Are you saying that many objects or that many bytes?
We will be sending some sms with appwrite functions
one customer 1 obj
I'm asking for bytes
That has to be checked
whats the limit?
honestly i don't even know what's returning that 413
regardless, you really should be sending less data and doing less work
it's best to have functions finish as quick as possible
the longer you have functions running, the more likely something wrong can happen
ok suppose I have a list of 10k users can I fetch those directly in functions and in loop process?
My app is react based app and I want to handle the processing of users through functions
I am using functions like rest api
sure...but i would try to minimize how long the function runs per execution
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