✔ Container appwrite-realtime Removed
✔ Container appwrite-usage Removed
✘ Container appwrite-telegraf Error while Stopping
✔ Container appwrite-worker-audits Removed
✔ Container appwrite-worker-certificates Removed
✔ Container appwrite-worker-builds Removed
✘ Container appwrite-schedule Error while Stopping
✔ Container appwrite-worker-webhooks Removed
✔ Container appwrite-worker-deletes Removed
✔ Container appwrite-traefik Removed
✔ Container appwrite-worker-mails Removed
✔ Container appwrite-worker-databases Removed
✘ Container appwrite-maintenance Error while Stopping
✔ Container appwrite-worker-functions Removed
✔ Container appwrite-worker-messaging Removed
✘ Container appwrite-executor Error while Stopping
appwrite/appwrite:1.3.8 "executor" About an hour ago Up 42 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-executor appwrite/appwrite:1.3.8 "docker-php-entrypoi…" About an hour ago Up 28 seconds 80/tcp appwrite appwrite/telegraf:1.4.0 "/entrypoint.sh tele…" About an hour ago Up 42 minutes 8092/udp, 8125/udp, 8094/tcp appwrite-telegraf mariadb:10.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 weeks ago Up 42 minutes 3306/tcp appwrite-mariadb redis:7.0.4-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 weeks ago Up 42 minutes 6379/tcp appwrite-redis appwrite/influxdb:1.5.0 "/entrypoint.sh infl…" 3 weeks ago Up 42 minutes 8086/tcp appwrite-influxdb
Try again?
I have gotten it!
Just had docker installed with snap
[SOLVED] cant stop containers
I've heard of problems with docker from snap
yea just uninstalled it and did it according to dockers website
who would you know they know best...
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