
[SOLVED]Updating Object having multiple relationships create new documents instead of updating

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  • Databases
26 Sep, 2023, 08:23

Hi guys , i use relationships to create a user details document and its contacts and address details. in flutter the class object looks like this : ```@freezed class UserDetailsModel with _$UserDetailsModel { @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) const factory UserDetailsModel({ @JsonKey(includeToJson: false, ) String? id, String? firstName, String? lastName, DateTime? dateOfBirth, String? bio, required List<String> bioPicsIds, String? avatarId, ContactsModel? contacts, LocationModel? address, }) = _UserDetailsModel;

factory UserDetailsModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UserDetailsModelFromJson(json); }``` and in appwrite it creates all documents fine . The problem is when i try to update it creates another document in the related collections instead of updating the documents already there to properly do the update ?

The user was able to solve their issue of creating new documents instead of updating existing ones by including the IDs of the relationships in the JSON when updating. They provided an example of the updated JSON structure. Additionally, they shared their code for updating the document in Flutter.
28 Sep, 2023, 00:20

what is your code for updating the document?

28 Sep, 2023, 00:21

When the data is being serialized to JSON, the related objects probably don't have IDs so a new document gets created

28 Sep, 2023, 08:35

Hi @Steven sorry for the late reply here is the code for updating the document ```dart

@override FutureEitherVoid saveUserDetails(UserDetailsModel user) async { print( "in authRepository saveUserDetails method: databaseId:${Env.appwriteDatabaseId} "); try { try { //we try updating first await _db.updateDocument( databaseId: Env.appwriteDatabaseId, collectionId: Env.appwriteUserDetailsCollectionId, documentId:!, data: user.toJson(), ); } on AppwriteException catch (e) { //we create a new document if (e.type == "document_not_found" && e.code == 404) { try { await _db.createDocument( databaseId: Env.appwriteDatabaseId, collectionId: Env.appwriteUserDetailsCollectionId, documentId:!, data: user.toJson(), ); } on AppwriteException catch (e, stackTrace) { print(e); return Left(Failure(e.message ?? "error", e, stackTrace)); } catch (e, stackTrace) { return Left(Failure("error", e, stackTrace)); } } }

  return const Right(null);
} on AppwriteException catch (e, stackTrace) {
  return Left(Failure(e.message ?? "error", e, stackTrace));
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
  return Left(Failure("error", e, stackTrace));

}``` it is true that in the user details json i dont put the ids of the relationship.

28 Sep, 2023, 08:36

@Steven here is the json that i send to update and also create the document json { "firstName": "jean jacques thibaut", "lastName": "zehi", "dateOfBirth": "1988-08-21T00:00:00.000", "bio": null, "bioPicsIds": [], "avatarId": null, "contacts": { "mobileNumber": null, "officeNumber": null, "email": "", "url1": null, "url2": null }, "address": { "countryName": "Cote D'Ivoire", "cityName": "Abidjan", "stateName": "Grand Abidjan", "zipCode": null, "fullAddress": null, "activeDeliveryAddress": null, "deliveryAddresses": [], "coordinates": null, "locationImages": [] } }

28 Sep, 2023, 08:39

@Steven i also vaguely thought that it was because i didn't reference the ids of the relationships since i didnt see it in the doc ...based on the json above could you show me an example of updating by inserting the ids ?

28 Sep, 2023, 17:39

@Steven As usual Thanks a lot for pointing me into the right direction and helping me out . i was able to successfully update the documents without triggering another creation by getting the $id and putting it in the json when trying to update . json { "firstName": "jean jacques thibaut", "lastName": "zehi", "dateOfBirth": "1988-08-21T00:00:00.000", "bio": null, "bioPicsIds": [], "avatarId": null, "contacts": { "$id": "6515b8c3cb4989c84f38", "mobileNumber": null, "officeNumber": null, "email": "", "url1": null, "url2": null }, "address": { "$id": "6515b8c3cc8fd08cc76c", "countryName": "Cameroon", "cityName": "Banyo", "stateName": "Adamaoua", "zipCode": null, "fullAddress": null, "activeDeliveryAddress": null, "deliveryAddresses": [], "coordinates": null, "locationImages": [] } }

28 Sep, 2023, 17:39

[SOLVED]Updating Object having multiple relationships create new documents instead of updating

28 Sep, 2023, 18:06

in this example, it uses an array of document IDs to only link the related documents and not update/create related documents

28 Sep, 2023, 18:07

so i think you can do something like this too:

  "firstName": "jean jacques thibaut",
  "lastName": "zehi",
  "dateOfBirth": "1988-08-21T00:00:00.000",
  "bio": null,
  "bioPicsIds": [],
  "avatarId": null,
  "contacts": "6515b8c3cb4989c84f38",
  "address": "6515b8c3cc8fd08cc76c"

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