
Appwrite Functions Build Completion error

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  • Functions
  • Cloud
Tanmay Juneja
26 Sep, 2023, 04:57

Hello there!

My Appwrite functions build is failing everytime in the installment of numpy/pandas library in python. My app installs chromadb, which apparently installs pandas and numpy.

What should I do to avoid this error? Please help, thanks!

The user is experiencing a build error when installing the numpy/pandas library in their Appwrite functions. They have a code larger than 250 MB to run on a serverless function and are looking for alternative options. The user also mentions that pandas is not available in the Appwrite Python container. They have cloned an Appwrite functions walkthrough and made changes to the code, but the build is failing during the installation of the libraries. Solution: It is recommended for the user to check if the numpy/pandas library is compatible with the Appwrite Python container. If not, they should consider using an alternative library or finding another way to run their
Tanmay Juneja
26 Sep, 2023, 04:59

I have cloned one of the appwrite functions walkthrough and changed the code in the Appwrite functions starter template. It clones the repo correctly and starts building as well. It installs openai and other libraries perfectly in the logs.

26 Sep, 2023, 05:06
26 Sep, 2023, 05:07

Pandas is not available in the appwrite Python container

Tanmay Juneja
26 Sep, 2023, 05:32

Thanks a lot @rafagazani

I have a code larger than 250 mb (352 mb) to run on serverless function, like AWS Lambda. Do you know any other alternatives where I can run this code?

26 Sep, 2023, 05:42

Thinking about iris maintenance in the same way. Or rabitmq + flask

26 Sep, 2023, 05:43

I had this same problem, I opted for rabitmq+flask because digital ocean does not have long-term cloud functions

26 Sep, 2023, 05:45

But I'm waiting for some version of the appwrite to be solved. Deploying a function in appwrite is very easy

Tanmay Juneja
26 Sep, 2023, 06:32

Yes absolutely. Eagerly waiting Appwrite functions upgrade

Tanmay Juneja
26 Sep, 2023, 06:32

Thanks a lot! @rafagazani

26 Sep, 2023, 14:12

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