
I am trying to create a signup page using NEXTJS

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22 Aug, 2023, 12:04

I am using route(server side of the next js) (dumb question )but do I use client or server side package ? If server side , I have to use users creation right ?

The user is trying to create a signup page using NEXTJS. They are asking whether to use the client or server side package. The suggested solution is to use the client-side package for creating user accounts, as server-side handling of sessions can be difficult. It is also advised not to expose API keys when using server SDKs.
22 Aug, 2023, 12:10

Client. If you want the users to create account, use client sdks.

Server sdks give you admin level powers, the api keys shouldn't be exposed anywhere.

22 Aug, 2023, 12:22

But nextjs also has a server side right ?

23 Aug, 2023, 23:34

I highly suggest not making Appwrite API calls server-side because trying to handle the session server side can be a pain

24 Aug, 2023, 06:54

Hi,thanks alot for the suggestion. I have gone with the route of using it in client


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