
Providing a custom filename

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22 Aug, 2023, 09:48

Is it possible to provide a custom filename to a file that is being uploaded to Storage?

In my app I want the user to be able to specify a name for the file being uploaded, and for the file in AppWrite to have this filename.

Is this possible?

User is asking if it is possible to provide a custom filename for files being uploaded to AppWrite Storage. A suggestion is made to create an attribute called "name", but it is mentioned that attributes are only for documents and not Storage. A link to a pull request on GitHub is mentioned, suggesting that the feature may be implemented in the next version. No solution or definitive answer is provided in the thread.
22 Aug, 2023, 10:26

I think I've seen a PR where this will be implemented in the next version

22 Aug, 2023, 10:26
22 Aug, 2023, 10:30

Thanks, what's the best way to go about it then? I was thinking I would just create an attribute called name, but attributes are only for documents and not Storage.

22 Aug, 2023, 10:44

Not sure how they have implemented it. Let's wait til it goes online and check the docs then


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