
Trying to Deploy new Appwrite Stack

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28 Jul, 2023, 21:37


I am trying to deploy a new Appwrite Stack, when i deploy I get this in the console:


Stack trace:
#0 /usr/src/code/app/init.php(510): Swoole\Database\PDOConfig->withPort('')
#1 /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/registry/src/Registry/Registry.php(75): {closure}()
#2 /usr/src/code/app/http.php(70): Utopia\Registry\Registry->get('dbPool')

  thrown in @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOConfig.php on line 82```

My compose is attached
The user is trying to deploy a new Appwrite Stack but encounters a fatal error related to the Swoole database configuration. The error message indicates that the provided port argument must be an integer but a string was given instead. Changing the container names or using multiple SMTP configurations for multiple organizations may cause unexpected behavior and should be avoided. The user asks if there is a better way to deploy multiple Appwrite instances on a single server. Solution: The error is caused by providing a string instead of an integer for the port argument in the .env file. Ensure that the port value is an integer.
28 Jul, 2023, 21:56

and how about the _APP_DB_PORT in your .env file?

28 Jul, 2023, 21:57

hmm you might run into some unexpected behavior from changing the container names like you did

28 Jul, 2023, 22:05

Is there a better way to deploy multiple appwrite instances on a single server?

28 Jul, 2023, 22:10

i don't recommend that because it can be difficult to maintain. why do you need to do this?

28 Jul, 2023, 22:10

Simply because I need multiple SMTP configs for multiple orgs within my appwrite which is not yet a capability

28 Jul, 2023, 22:11

If I could have org based SMTP this wouldn't be a problem

28 Jul, 2023, 22:12

ah ya...well the good news is this is coming in our next release

28 Jul, 2023, 22:12

Do we have a release date on that?

28 Jul, 2023, 22:12

soon 😉

28 Jul, 2023, 22:12

Lol alright I'll put a hold on this for now then. Thank you for your help


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