Hello everyone, I would love to talk about AppWrite's collections and especially what kind of philosophy is being used. I was reading this issue : https://levelup.gitconnected.com/building-a-location-based-app-with-appwrite-48a2e2b6d4c2#a658 And it proposed an approach very similar to relational databases. While in previous versions, (Judging by looking at github repos), apparently there attributes that type "Object". Meanwhile, in the official Appwrite documentation, there is an attribute with type "Relationship" that would serve, analogically speaking, as FK/PK. (https://appwrite.io/docs/databases#attributes) Yet while creating my attributes, I can't seem to find the type relationship.
Hello !
Please see this https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/issues/5599
Thank you very much for the link. It clarified my problem.
Relationship attribute not found on cloud.appwrite [SOLVED]
[SOLVED] Relationship attribute not found on cloud.appwrite
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