
[In progress] User blocked

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  • Cloud
30 May, 2023, 06:38

I got blocked, and when I created a new account on cloud, I can't log into it from CLI

User reported that they were blocked and unable to log in to their new account from the CLI. They initially thought they had created a duplicate account and deleted it. The support team suggested clearing cookies and resetting the CLI. The issue is still being investigated and the user was advised to reach out to Christy for further assistance. Eventually, the issue was solved and the user was able to log in to their new account from the CLI.
30 May, 2023, 08:15

[SOLVED] User blocked

30 May, 2023, 09:29

Hey but I didn't delete my account or anything

(According to me) I got blocked because when I executed my function from appwite console, it was waiting, failing and running again and again on its own, for a long time(for hours actually)

30 May, 2023, 13:43

This is your new account that shouldn't be blocked?

30 May, 2023, 13:48

Oh...ya it might be best to reach out to Christy

30 May, 2023, 15:09

Exactly, I can use the new account from the cloud console, but on CLI it still shows blocked (not sure why?)

30 May, 2023, 15:09


30 May, 2023, 16:17

Can you help me out actually I think when you folks were announcing the AppWrite Cloud Card I signed up once, and while exploring it I thought that somehow I had signed up again from the same mail id and deleted my account, therefore I deleted my account, but now I can't even signup for a new account on my browser.

30 May, 2023, 16:17

oh...then you might just need to reset your CLI:

30 May, 2023, 16:18

This needs to be investigated then. I thought you deleted your account, apologies

30 May, 2023, 16:18

[In progress] User blocked

30 May, 2023, 16:18

it's best to create a new <#1072905050399191082> post rather than re-using someone else's.

To sign up again, you'll need to clear your cookies

30 May, 2023, 16:20

Ok Thanks a lot ! Will keep in mind the next time for sure : )

30 May, 2023, 16:24

it works now😅


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